Download Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode #5 - Movie Notes

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Download Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode #5

Download Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 5 - Kissed by Fire
The Hound is judged by the gods; Jaime is judged; Jon proves himself; Robb is betrayed; Tyrion learns the cost of weddings.

Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 5 Trailer

TV-MA | 57min | Action, Adventure, Drama | Episode aired 28 April 2013   
Alex Graves
George R. R. Martin, David Benioff, D. B. Weiss, Vanessa Taylor, Bryan Cogman, Jane Espenson, Dave Hill
Peter Dinklage     ...     Tyrion Lannister
Lena Headey     ...     Cersei Lannister
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau     ...     Jaime Lannister
Charles Dance     ...     Tywin Lannister
Michelle Fairley     ...     Catelyn Stark
Richard Madden     ...     Robb Stark
Isaac Hempstead Wright     ...     Bran Stark
Maisie Williams     ...     Arya Stark
Sophie Turner     ...     Sansa Stark
Oona Chaplin     ...     Talisa Stark
Kit Harington     ...     Jon Snow
Emilia Clarke     ...     Daenerys Targaryen
Alfie Allen     ...     Theon Greyjoy
Iain Glen     ...     Jorah Mormont
Aidan Gillen     ...     Petyr 'Littlefinger' Baelish
Liam Cunningham     ...     Davos Seaworth
Stephen Dillane     ...     Stannis Baratheon
Carice van Houten     ...     Melisandre
Natalie Dormer     ...     Margaery Tyrell
John Bradley     ...     Samwell Tarly
Jack Gleeson     ...     Joffrey Baratheon
Sibel Kekilli     ...     Shae
Rose Leslie     ...     Ygritte
James Cosmo     ...     Jeor Mormont
Jerome Flynn     ...     Bronn
Ian McElhinney     ...     Barristan Selmy
Donald Sumpter     ...     Maester Luwin
Conleth Hill     ...     Lord Varys

Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 5 Synopsis

The Brotherhood Without Banners pray to the Lord of Light around the fire as the Hound and the Brotherhood leader prepare to fight. Their leader, Beric Dondarrion, cuts his hand and then lights his sword afire. The Hound -- and Arya and Gendry-- are surprised by this. They fight around the fire as the others watch, getting out of the way as necessary. The Hound prevails. They pray to the lord of light to bring him back to life. Arya grabs a sword to kill Hound herself. Gendry pulls her back. She yells at him to burn in hell. Beric, now seemingly upright and fine says he will, but not today.

At the Wildlings camp they quiz Jon Snow about the patrol of the Night's Watch. He explains which castles are inhabited that are related to the wall: Castle Black, Eastwatch by the Sea, and Shadow Tower. The guy questioning him asks how many there are guarding and Jon says a thousand. They think he's lying. Ygritte jumps to his protection. Jon says he doesn't need her protection. She disagrees and then steals his sword and makes him chase her. They run into a cave with an indoor waterfall. She says it's time he proved himself that he isn't a Crow anymore and he has to break his vows to prove it. She takes off all of her clothes and stands before him naked. He says they shouldn't. She says they should and kisses him. He doesn't resist for long. She taunts him and says he knows nothing but then he goes down on her and she realizes he does know a thing or two.They make love. She asks who taught him that particular maneuver. He says there's been no one else, he just wanted to kiss her there. He admits he was a virgin. She was not. She said it was just a boy, who had red hair like her, kissed by fire. He was weak, not like Jon Snow. Then she launches into a laundry list and he cuts her off saying he's heard enough. He wants to to back but she decides he needs a bath first. She says she doesn't want to leave the cave ever and make love in the bathwater.

The Brotherhood let the Hound go against Arya's wishes saying their God doesn't see him as guilty but that the Lord of Light isn't done with him yet. The Hound leaves.

The men who captured Jaime and Brienne bring them to Lord Bolton. Lord Bolton isn't impressed with the cutting off of Jaime's hand and tells the captor to hold his tongue or to lose it. He tells them to cut Brienne free and that she is now under his care. She thanks him. Jaime asks Lord Bolton for news. He replies that Stannis Baratheon laid siege to King's Landing but Tywin and his army prevailed and Cersei is alive and well. Bolton sends him to the doctor. The doctor doesn't like the look of the festering stump and wants to amputate the whole arm. Jaime isn't having that and the doctor relents saying he will only cut away the rotted flesh and try to sear the rest of it clean with boiling wine. He wants to offer Jaime painkillers but since this guy seems kinda creepy and not really a doctor Jaime declines saying he'll just scream through the pain instead thanks. He does just that.

Cersei approaches Littlefinger and says she's heard that the House Tyrell doesn't have the Lannister's best interest at heart. She essentially threatens him into looking into it before he leaves the capitol. He agrees.

Tyrion meets with Lady Olenna to talk wedding plans, and how expensive they're becoming. He tries to explain since they are at war they need money. She notes exactly how much House Tyrell has contributed to the effort from men to sheep to food. She says the people are hungry for more than food and that they need distractions or else they'll tear the royals to pieces and that a royal wedding, paid for by the royal family, is just the distraction necessary, and a much safer one. She also admits disappointment that Tyrion did not live up to his reputation as an impertinent, debauched boozer and that he is merely a browbeaten bookkeeper. This hurts the most, clearly. She concedes to pay for half the expenses. He says that's sufficient and she leaves.

Gendry mends Lord Beric's armor. He says he's going to stay on with the Brotherhood. She says he doesn't have to. He says he wants to and that they need good men. She says Robb needs good men too. He says he's tired of serving and even though Beric is a leader they chose him and these men are a family and he's never had one. Arya says tearfully that she can be his family.

The young Lannisters that Robb Stark is holding hostage as bargaining chips wake up to the sound of fighting. Lord Karstark and his men enter the room and kill the boys in revenge for the deaths of his sons. They are laid out before Robb who is incensed. He can't believe five grown men killed two unarmed children. He calls it treasonous. Lord Karstark, whose sons were killed on the battlefield for which he blames the Lannisters and Catelyn Stark for freeing Jaime, taunts Robb saying you kill your enemies in battle but his father must not have taught him that. He mocks Robb's title of King in the North, calling him rather "the King who lost the North". He also says he'll probably only get a scolding. Robb orders him put in the dungeon and the other four hung. One man protests he only watched and Robb says to hang him last so he can watch. Talisa is aghast, Catelyn palefaced.

Robb's uncle Edmure says they should keep this under wraps. Robb protests that he doesn't want to be a liar in his fight for justice. Catelyn points out that if they kill the men publicly the Karstarks will not take kindly to this and likely won't fight for them. Talisa agrees they will abandon him. They need Karstark men. Edmure notes that they wouldn't be lying, just burying the truth for the moment along with the bodies involved and using Lord Karstark as a hostage: he will not be harmed as long as his men fight for Robb. But Robb rejects their counsel and condemns the lord to death. Asked if he has any final words Lord Karstark says "kill me and be cursed, you are no king of mine." Robb beheads the condemned man himself, as his father had taught him.

Arya stares into the fire and says the names of those she wants dead. She asks Thoros what they're going to do with her. He says at first light they'll head to Riverrun where Robb is. Robb will make a contribution to their cause and then she can go home. She says they're selling her. He tells her not to think about it that way. Beric asks Arya if she's afraid of him. She says no but does mention that she thought he was dead. He says the Lord of the Light, and his right hand man, bring him back. He's been killed five times and each time, his buddy said he words and brought him back. He shows the scars. He says it's getting harder. Every time he comes back "he's a bit less." She asks if they could bring back a man without a head, not six times, just once. They say no. They tell her that her father was a good man and that he's at rest somewhere now and that they wouldn't wish this life upon him. Arya says she would since Beric is alive.

A woman stands around a fire and prays to the Lord of the Light. It is Stannis' wife. She says she's been filled in on the details by Melisandre. She says he will prevail and he's a good man. He tries to explain that he has sinned and shamed her. She says he is doing God's work. He tries to tell her that he slept with Melisandre. She says she knows, Melisandre told her and points out that any act committed in the name of the Lord of the Light cannot be considered a sin. She goes over to three creepy containers that apparently contain the three male babies she gave birth to that all died in some kind of yellowish liquid. She says she thanks the Lord for Melisandre coming into their life since she gave Stannis a son, something that she gave him nothing. He says that's not true. She realizes that Stannis has come to see his daughter. She says there is no need and that he should keep away from such distractions. He says he wants to see her. She notes he's the king and doesn't need permission. He heads to her room. She's singing in the corner. She runs to him and hugs him. We see that one side of her face is fine but the other side is either burned or deformed in some way. She asks about Davos the Onion Knight, who had promised to come back from the battle with a gift for her. and shows her father a sailing ship Davos carved for her. Stannis says Davos is a traitor and rotting in a cell for his crimes and that she had best forget him. He leaves. She is sad.

Brienne is giving herself a full on Silkwood scrub in the bath when Jaime arrives to take a bath of his own. A squire helps him take his clothes off. His arm is wrapped. He joins Brienne in the tub even though she points out that there's another one. She covers herself but he tells her he's not interested. He does ask her to pull him out if he faints so he won't be the first Lannister to die in a bathtub. She says she doesn't care how he dies. He notes she swore a vow to deliver him to King's Landing in one piece. He points out it's not going so well. And, he notes, no wonder Renly died with her guarding him. She stands up to her full height in all her naked glory taking serious umbrage at that remark. He apologizes and admits that was an unworthy remark. He says he's sick of fighting and wants to call a truce. She said you need trust for a truce. He says he trusts her.

She gives him a nasty look and he says he's been seeing it for 17 years from those who despise the kingslayer, the man without honor. He asks if she's heard of wildfire and notes that the mad King was obsessed with it, loving to watch people burn and he burned anyone who was against him and before long half the country was against him. So the mad king had his pyromancer stash loads of wildfire all throughout the city to protect himself.

He explains that the day of reckoning came and Robert Baratheon marched on the city. The Lannister's had sworn to protect the king against the rebels but Tywin Lannister didn't like being on the losing side. Jaime says he asked the mad king to surrender peacefully but he wouldn't listen to Jaime or anyone but Grand Maester Pycelle who said "you can trust the Lannisters, who are true friends of the crown." So the mad king opened the gates and Tywin sacked the city. Jaime begged the mad king to surrender. But the mad king told Jaime to bring Tywin's head to him. And then the mad king told his pyromancer to unleash hell: to light all the wildfire and burn them all, in their homes, in their beds. He asks Brienne if her precious Renly commanded her to kill her own father and then stand by as he burned thousands of men, women, and children alive would she have kept her oath then? So he killed the pyromancer and when the king turned to flee he put his sword through his back and he kept saying "burn them all."Jaime says he doesn't think the king expected to die but to burn with everyone else and rise from the fire as a dragon and turn his enemies to ash. "I slit his throat to make sure that didn't happen." That's where Ned Stark found him. Brienne asks why he didn't tell Lord Stark. Jaime says "do you think he wanted to hear my side? He judged me guilty the moment he laid eyes on me." He asks by what right the wolf judges the lion? He is very agitated and woozy and begins to faint. Brienne catches him and calls out "the Kingslayer!" And he replies. "Jaime, my name is Jaime."

Stannis' daughter goes to visit Davos. He tries to send her back to her room. He admits that he's a traitor and he disobeyed the king and will serve his time. She says she doesn't care, he's her friend and she's brought him a book. He says he can't read. She wants to teach him. He says she can't. She wonders what they'll do to them, put them in cells? He laughs. She beings to teach him to read.

Danaerys, Ser Jorah, and Barristan lead the Unsullied through some fields on their march. Jorah talks about the time he was knighted. Barristan notes he spent most of his good years have been wasted serving for mad or drunk kings and for once he'd like to serve for someone who is worthy. He asks if Jorah believes in Dany. He says he does with all his heart.

Dany addresses the Unsullied and asks if they've picked some leaders pointing out that they are free men now and need to make choices. When the leader presents himself and tells her that his name is Grey Worm-- they were all given new names to remind them that they are vermin-- she also tells them to pick new names, names that will give them pride. Grey Worm points out that he wants to keep his name because it gives him pride because the name he was born with cursed him to a life of slavery but his slave name was the one he had when Dany set him free. (Good point, Grey Worm!) She's touched by this.

Jorah and Barristan talk about politics. Barristan says he never advised Robert on the small council even though he was commander of the Kingsguard because he had served the mad king, who wouldn't listen to him about the Targaryens. Jorah says he doesn't think he'd care for politics either. He says she'll have to wade through that muck anyway. But Barristan says she'll have good men around her and says that Jorah can't help her since her his reputation has suffered in the capital. He points out that if he is truly her loyal servant he'll do what's right when the time comes and leave her side if necessary. Jorah points out that Barristan isn't Lord Commander here, he's just another exile and Jorah takes his commands from the queen.

Robb Stark is surveying the lay of the land regarding the war and is very frustrated. A large group of his men have deserted him and without them he can't really bring the war to the Lannister's. They're basically waiting him out, not chasing him. Talisa tries to help but doesn't really understand the pieces on the board and what they represent. (They're like big chess pieces.) She wonders if they shouldn't fall back and just wait out the winter. He says the winter could last five years and once his men go home and are warm by the fire with their families they won't want to fight again. He says he's lost his purpose. She says maybe it's time to give them a new purpose. As he explains it to her and puts her hand on the pieces they draw closer and start generating some heat and then he gets a light bulb. If he takes Casterley Rock, the Lannister's home, they will have to come fight him and Robb thinks they can take it.

Sansa and Margaery watch Loras spar. Margaery reassures her that Joffrey will let her leave because it will be a favor to her. Loras' new squire comes over and says he'd like to see him spar with a partner that would truly challenge him. Cut to Loras and the squire in bed. Loras wonders how he knew since women often never know. He says he always knows and has been keeping company with several of the husbands of those women.

The squire dutifully reports back to Littlefinger and gives him the intel about Loras' being lined up to marry Sansa.

Littlefinger pays Sansa a visit down by the water where they can see his ship. He says he always wanted a ship and now that he has one he wants a dozen. He notes how funny that is, that when we get what we want we always want more. He says he'll be leaving soon and his offer still stands for her to go with him. She says she might actually be a danger to him and says it might be better if she stays. He says he understands and it is up to her but that they will talk again.

Tywin Lannister, having caught wind of Margaery's little plot to marry Sansa off to Loras Tyrell has a plan of his own. Since he sees Sansa as the key to the north he won't let the Tyrell's plot ruin this. He tells Tyrion he will be marrying Sansa. Tyrion objects on a number of grounds but mainly out of humanity, that after all she's been through that to be married to him would be cruel. Tyrion and Cersei point out that this is a gift and much better than he should expect. Tywin says it's done, he will marry Sansa and put a child in her. And that it's high time that he was wed. Tyrion points out that he was wed. Tywin hasn't forgotten. Cersei is gloating about all of this and then Tywin lowers the boom. She will be marrying Loras Tyrell. She freaks out and says she won't do it and that she is the queen regent and not a breed whore. He says too bad, she will sacrifice for her family and that she's still young and fertile she will be having a child as well. And that maybe this finally put to rest the disgusting rumors about her. He appraises them and calls them a disgrace. Tywin leaves and Cersei and Tyrion sit in stunned silence.

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