Download Zootopia (2016) HD Full Movie - From the largest elephant to the smallest shrew, the city of Zootopia is a mammal metropolis where various animals live and thrive. When Judy Hopps becomes the first rabbit to join the police force, she quickly learns how tough it is to enforce the law. Determined to prove herself, Judy jumps at the opportunity to solve a mysterious case. Unfortunately, that means working with Nick Wilde, a wily fox who makes her job even harder.
PG | 1h 48min | Animation, Action, Adventure
Directors: Byron Howard, Rich Moore
Writers: Byron Howard (story by), Jared Bush (story by)
Stars: Ginnifer Goodwin, Jason Bateman, Idris Elba
Zootopia Review
"Zootopia" is simply the best animated movie of the year 2016 because the animation was terrific,the acting was mesmerizing and the plot was impressively perfect. Zootopia is a perfectly hilarious and remarkable movie not only for children,but also for adults.
A cute and smart rabbit Judy Hopps is so ambitious and intelligent.She wants to become a police officer. No bunnies ever before became police officers in the animal world of Zootopia because they are not strong enough. But Judy doesn't care what other people and animals think about her . She wants to overcome the prejudice and bigotry that a rabbit is small and weak animal and thus is not fit to become a police officer.
She's determined to make her dream come true, but unfortunately for her,she faces problems. She caught a convicted Fox who has already committed a crime, and gave him the option that she can help him to avoid jail imprisonment if only he can definitely help her in finding the missing animals. As a result, the fox and the bunny become friends and because of the intelligence of the amazing Judy (the bunny) she cleverly tamed the sly fox and attracted him to do the good and to refrain from doing evil especially after he fell in love with this yummy bunny Judy.
Zootopia is best of the best for the spectacular cinematography, impressive story, enchanting music and stunning acting.